3 Ways to Get More IGTV Views as a Sports Enthusiast
Sports, balanced nutrition and human health are among the most burning topics in the modern world. People have started to take more care of themselves, and devote a lot of time to their health. That’s why we see that there are more and more influencers in this niche – this niche has lived, lives and will live for many years to come.
If you can safely say about yourself: “I’m a big fitness fan and I know everything about sports”, then you have a direct route to Instagram. Yes, there is intense competition here, and the niche is not as free as others. But, nevertheless, new stars are being lit, and this means that your chances of success are great.
However, don’t think that it’s easy. In promotion, as in sports, it’s important to take into account various seemingly insignificant details. If you’ve already started your journey or are just planning to, thinking that the main thing is likes and subscribers, it’s time to destroy this myth.
In today’s post, we’ll discover how to get more IGTV views, including the opportunity to buy them on sites such as https://viplikes.net/buy-igtv-views, and shine brighter, making your statistics more balanced. Read on!

Define Your Niche
Before you start attracting more views of long sports videos, choose your niche. The world of fitness and sports is huge, so there is a place under the sun for every athlete.
You can choose different sports for yourself: yoga, weightlifting, football or crossfit, or something else, but it is important to make a choice before moving on to the next step. This is necessary so that you have an understanding of which videos will potentially attract a lot of views.
As an example, if you are interested in pilates, then you need to choose certain decorations, locations and even tone of voice to attract your audience and encourage them to follow the updates of the videos on your page.
Make sure that you are passionate about a certain aspect of the sport and are ready to link your online page to it. In this case, it will be much easier to succeed.
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Interact with The Commenters
Building connections with viewers is a fundamental element in promoting on Insta. There is no place for silence or constraint here. It is important to respond to every comment you receive under your video, even if it is negative or neutral. Remember that the main thing is to evoke emotion in the viewer, and if you were able to achieve this effect, then people will start writing a bunch of comments that require your attention.
Plus, if you create really useful and professional videos, be prepared to answer questions. This way you will improve the statistics of your videos, algorithms will see the value of your content, they’ll start to promote it further in a natural way, and you’ll get new views.
Use Professional Incentive
No matter how hard you work on your content and organic promotion, sometimes you need to put a little more effort and even money to get the result. Especially for those who aren’t ready to waste their resources and time waiting for a bunch of views, there are companies that stimulate the growth of various interactions.
What is the difference from organic views? In fact, there is no difference. The only difference is that such interactions come “out of nowhere”, but they’re as real as the organic ones. This is an additional incentive to make your videos (and subsequently the page) more visible and successful. Try it and good luck!