The impact of smartphones on children’s psyche
Today cybernetical technologies accessible not only to adults ― a mobile phone is not a prestige characteristic and doesn`t use only for calls and SMS. And three years old child with smartphone or tablet in hand no one is surprised anymore, because it became a norm.
About this talk psychologist and sociologists already more than one year, and this theme really difficult. At first glance, there is nothing wrong with that child independently switchs on his/her favourite cartoon or plays computer games.
The main advantage is child really interested in that. Little boy or little girl less distracting parents for any reason, because he or her makes that which she/he really likes. In general, Internet is genius novation. Imagine what would we do during quarantine without world web.
Thanks to Internet we always find any deal ― it can be watching interesting film or program, listening to favourite music, chatting with friends etc. But adults choose a content independently, unlike children. Every child regardless of genetic or general development absorbs everything like a sponge.
In the era of rapid development of information technologies, when in web is access to any information, child will consume an absolutely different content ― unfortunately, that one too which can harm child`s psyche.
The overwhelming number of parents, even young and progressive, would like to limit the time of using the device, be able to block apps ― eventually, for complexly development of child must be different types of activity, which includes an active leisure, a regular walking on fresh air, creativity etc.

Of course, there are advantages in using modern gadgets ― let’s start with them.
- Development of fine motor skills. When a child plays a computer game or draws on a tablet, he/she automatically exercises the muscles of his hands and fingers.
- Improving cognitive skills. In general, this is a rather controversial issue, because everyone knows that excessive “fascination” with gadgets from childhood leads to the so-called clip thinking. As a result becomes that adult man difficultly perceives big volumes of information, gets tired of reading etc, because man used to think in clips and pictures. But if child will use device a couple of hours during a day there is nothing wrong with that. On the contrary, watching good cartoons, develop plays, learning foreign language before school with children`s online courses is will benefit.
- The development of lider`s characteristics. When kid playing computer games, she or he want to be a winner. And when he/she wins for child it`s a succes. Therefore, you should not worry about the fact that the computer injures the child’s psyche ― this happens only in the case of redundant and absolutely unnecessary information for the child. Deprive your children from spam. If child will consume an actual content with a certain time limit, there will be no problems at all.
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There is minuses…
- A sharp “jump” in the development of the brain at the age of 3-5 years often leads to the fact that in the future the teenager begins to lag behind noticeably ― all higher mental functions are slowed down. Therefore, the child should be gradually accustomed to gadgets.
- Also may begin to develop deficit of concentration ― this is serious problem of many children. This manifests itself in the fact that the child cannot concentrate on anything ― and this can negatively affect his studies at school.
- Childhood depression ― yes, it can occur in a person of any age. Children also suffer from depression. And social sites often remain the main catalyst for its appearance. May be we heared about cyberbullying?
- About physical healthy, the child’s vision and hearing may deteriorate significantly; problems with posture and obesity also occur quite often.
- The child may become irritable, anxious, and have problems sleeping.
And to prevent all this, you can download Parental Control. Absolutely comfortable security program for the safety of the child. And to prevent all this, you can load Parental Control Kroha. It`s an absolutely comfort program that development for kid`s security. Now child`s phone will be under your control, and you can setting all so that your son or daughter will consume only that content which seems you actual. To start using this program easily ― you loading a mobile app on a smartphone in Play Market or App Store and synchronizide devices ― your`s and child`s telephones.
With Parental Control Kroha you can:
- track the location of the child (this function will be needed when the child does not return home from school for a long time, and you scroll through various negative scenarios in your head);
- block certain applications that, in your opinion, harm your child ― this also applies to sites;
- monitor with whom and about what the child communicates;
- limit screen time ― and a child, for example, will have only an hour for online entertainment.
Actually there is more functions ― try using this handy app. We sure that you`ll like it. But must remember that to educate a child must at 5, not at 15. So if you child is a preschooler, it`s time for discipline and endurance. And then you will get what you dream of ― after a certain time the child will begin your real friend and a helper.