Why does my house smell like sewage?

Why does my house smell like sewage?

Why does my house smell like sewage? It may be more than just a backed-up plumbing problem causing septic tank smells in your bathroom, kitchen or laundry room.

In some cases, the problem may be caused by a dried-out P-trap, which can be fixed by running some water from the faucet. The problem might be caused by a broken vent pipe, which requires professional help.

The smell of sewage can not only be unpleasant, but it can also be hazardous for your health. One of the main gases in sewage is methane, which can become highly flammable if it accumulates in large amounts. Sewage gas can leak into your home if left untreated.

Symptoms of sewer gas poisoning include weakness, headaches, dizziness, loss of coordination, nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness, and even suffocation if exposed to methane for a prolonged or high time. As soon as you notice a sewer gas smell in your home, you should take action immediately.

You should not ignore sewer smells. However, finding their source can be difficult – most people assume they are coming from the toilet, but the problem can be hidden in many water systems, including the shower and washing machine.

Once you determine the source of the odor, we will walk you through some troubleshooting steps to try to resolve it. However, some sewage problems can only be resolved by a professional.

Why does my house smell like sewage?

What Does Sewer Gas Smell Like?

During the breakdown of human waste, sewer gas produces an unpleasant odor that resembles that of rotten eggs. It is a result of hydrogen sulfide present in the gas that causes the rotten egg aroma. Try to locate the strongest location of the sewer odor in your house if you wonder how to find it.

Household sources of sewer odors

Even after cleaning your bathroom and freshening the air, you may still smell the odor of sewage.

You may be dealing with a more significant issue if cleaning does not eliminate the odor. Your nose will be your first clue in finding the source of the sewage smell if you observe the smell getting stronger in specific areas of your home.

Reasons why does my house smell like sewage

When you smell sewage in your bathroom, examine your shower drain if you notice a foul sewage odor.

There are usually four causes of a smelly shower drain: biofilm accumulation, clogged drains, leaking pipes, or a clogged P-trap.

1. Biofilm Accumulation

The products we use in the shower include body oils, conditioner, shampoo, soap, shaving cream, and natural debris, such as skin cells and hair, which wash into the drain. Ptraps and vertical pipes underneath your shower often accumulate these substances over time.

The bacteria and decomposing debris release a sewage-like smell as they build up in biofilm. With specialized products, it’s hard to remove bacteria because they emit a sticky substance that clings to the side of your pipes.

The smell of sewage eventually spreads throughout the entire bathroom, not just in the shower or bathtub.

Fixing biofilm and the sewage smells it creates in your shower drain is usually an easy process that doesn’t require a plumber. You’ll also need to unclog the debris feeding the bacteria in the drain.

The following steps will help you remove biofilm from your pipes using a DIY, all-natural cleaner made with hot water, baking soda and white distilled vinegar:

  1. Shower drains can be removed with a screwdriver.
  2. Then slowly pour five to 10 quarts of cooled water down the shower drain, letting it cool to 150 degrees Fahrenheit.
  3. After the water has been poured in, add one cup of white distilled vinegar.
  4. Add half a cup of baking soda immediately after you pour the vinegar.
  5. In the shower drain, dump a gallon of hot water after two hours.
  6. Last but not least, clear out any remaining debris in the drain with a drain brush.

A professional plumber should be contacted if the sewer gas smell persists in your bathroom after you have cleaned the shower drain.

2. Clogged Drain

It’s not just biofilm that builds up in the drain. If it smells like sewage, drains slowly, or doesn’t drain at all, you may have a clogged shower drain. Shower clogs prevent water from draining properly, and they trap grime that accumulates. Shower clogs can be caused by the following substances and debris:

  • Dirt
  • Hair
  • Mineral deposits
  • Sand
  • Soap scum
  • Small items

It is common for small items, hair, and soap scum to cause shower clogs. If you notice a sewage smell coming from your shower, it may be caused by clogs in your drain as well.

When clogs are close to the surface, it may be possible to remove them by hand. However, if they are far down the drain, hot water or chemical cleaners may dissolve them.

If you are looking for a chemical-free way to unclog your shower drain, use a plunger to bring it closer to the surface. You might also want to use a hand auger, also known as a drain snake. Find a hand auger at a hardware store that can maneuver through your pipes easily.

It is also possible to make your own drain snake by straightening a wire coat hanger and allowing it to form a hook shape if you don’t have time to visit a hardware store. Once the drain snake hooks the clog, whether it is a store-bought version or an at-home version, you need to pull it up carefully.

Alternatively, you can hire a plumber to remove the clog for you if you are unsure how to do so.

3. Dry P-Trap

A dry P-trap is another common cause of septic smells in houses.

When the P-trap is functioning correctly, it should hold enough water to prevent gasses and odors from creeping up your drain from the sewer.

The water could have evaporated from your P-trap if you don’t use your shower often. It may, however, indicate a more serious problem if you frequently turn on your shower and still notice sewage smells coming from the drain. It is possible, for example, that your P-trap leaks, preventing it from holding water.

The solution to a dry P-trap smell depends on the reason for the dryness.

A dry P-trap may be causing your unused bathroom to smell like sewer. If you still notice the smell, turn on your shower and run the water for a few minutes to rehydrate the P-trap and stop sewage gases from leaking into the bathroom. If you still notice the smell, pour a quart of water into all of your drains, including your toilet and sink.

To be sure, contact a professional plumber to inspect and replace your P-trap if you are experiencing persistent odors.

4. Leaking Pipes

A sewage smell can also be caused by leaks under the shower or in the bathroom walls. Leaking pipes allow hydrogen sulfide to escape, causing a sewer odor. The leaks can be caused by loose-fitting pipes or perforations, and some perforations are a result of corrosion in certain metal pipes. When strong chemicals sit in your pipes for a long period of time, clogs can also cause corrosion and perforations.

A loose pipe fitting may be the result of poor installation in a new or recently renovated house. You should consult a plumber if you believe that sewage odor in your bathroom is the result of a leaking pipe. The solution to a leaky pipe depends on the pipe material and accessibility, as well as the severity of the plumbing issue. A leaky pipe can indicate more serious plumbing problems.

Your toilet is emitting odors

A bad-smelling toilet can usually be fixed with a quick clean, a few flushes, and a few air fresheners if your bathroom smells like sewage. Occasionally, however, a bad-smelling toilet won’t go away, no matter how many times you clean it. Sewer gas smells can indicate an issue with your plumbing.

Sewer gas smells in bathrooms are often caused by broken or loose seals, incorrectly installed vent pipes, and septic blockages.

1. Incorrectly installed or cut vent pipes

Septic smells in your bathroom may be caused by improperly installed or cut vent pipes near your toilet.

The vent pipe helps regulate the air pressure in your home’s plumbing system. In addition to redirecting odors outside your home, vent pipes can sometimes be installed incorrectly, which can result in odors entering your bathroom when they are installed incorrectly.

An experienced plumber can quickly diagnose the problem and reinstall a new vent pipe in cases involving poor installation.

When a vent pipe cracks, it allows odors to spill into your home. To locate those cracks, plumbers fill the pipe with a smoke machine. Once the smoke emerges, they find the leak and fix it.

2. Loose or broken seals

You may have a broken or loose seal on your toilet if it smells like sewer.

When the toilet bowl doesn’t fill up normally, you may have a broken seal. Sewer gasses can enter your bathroom if these seals are loose, broken, or improperly installed.

The smell might not come from sewage gasses if a seal leaks water and sewage. Sometimes, water pools around your toilet, attracting bacteria. As the bacteria grow, a foul smell is produced.

The wax ring seals the toilet drain and prevents water leaks, but if the bowl is loose, the wax ring can be damaged, allowing sewage to seep out and cause bad odors.

It may also be broken, cracked, or otherwise damaged. For instance, the bolts fastening the toilet to the floor may have cracked or you may have used a drain snake too aggressively.

Often, a fresh application of caulk is enough to resolve a problem with a broken or loose seal. Caulk should be applied to your toilet’s seals and the bolt holes holding the toilet in place.

A loose or wobbly toilet bowl may indicate that the wax ring has been broken. To fix it, replace the wax ring with a new one.

Contact a professional plumber if the toilet itself appears to be broken.

3. Septic Blockage

It is possible for certain products to create a blockage in your septic system, even if they are labeled as “flushable.” In addition, certain products, such as baby wipes, can cause an odor in your septic system.

A plunger can be used to remove disposed wipes and materials that have already gone down the pipe. A drain snake can reach items that have gone further down the line.

Your sink is emitting odors

There are times when your bathroom or kitchen sink emits a sulfurous smell.

You might have a dry P-trap in your kitchen or bathroom sink, just like a shower drain. However, you might also have buildup in the overflow.

1. Buildup in the Overflow

In the event that your bathroom sink smells like sewer, check to see if it has an overflow valve.

As with anything near water, your sink can build up grime and mildew quickly, especially at the overflow area, since some sinks have a hole at the top for water to drain.

Cleaning the overflow is a simple project that requires only water, bleach, and a small bottle brush:

  1. Remove any debris from the overflow area by using a small bottle brush.
  2. Prepare a chlorine bleach solution by mixing half water with half chlorine bleach.
  3. If there are any lingering bacteria or odors, apply the solution with a bottle brush to the overflow area.

A professional plumbing service can examine your sink if the odors persist after thorough cleaning.

Your washing machine is emitting odors

Your laundry room may be the source of the smell when you notice your house smells like sewage. If your bathroom is not the source, you may want to check your bathroom.

There are several possible reasons why your house smells like sewer while you are doing laundry. Faulty P-traps and clogged drains and vents are common causes.

1. P-trap improperly installed

The P-trap is not just for your bathroom – it is also crucial for washing machines. The wastewater from a washing machine flows through the flexible drain hose into the drain box pipe, which connects to a P-trap, unlike many bathroom pipes.

It is easy to install the flexible hose incorrectly, resulting in the P-trap not functioning. As a result, odors can enter the home as a result.

In order to resolve this problem, pull out the washing machine drain hose from the drain box and stop when it reaches roughly eight inches deep – this will prevent sewer gases from leaking into the room through the P-trap.

2. Drain Clogs

In addition to a clogged drain pipe, bad-smelling washing machines may be caused by a clogged drain pipe.

The clog creates a buildup of organic matter like hair and soap, allowing bacteria to grow on it, and creating an unpleasant sewage-like smell. If left untreated, the clog will grow larger and larger, causing it to smell even worse.

The problem can be easily fixed with a drain snake. If the clog persists, call a plumber to examine your washing machine and drain.

3. Clogged vent pipes

To prevent sewage gasses from seeping into your home, washing machines need vent pipes. All drain systems in your house must be properly vented.

When a vent pipe becomes clogged, sewer-smelling air cannot escape from your home, leading to odors leaking from the walls surrounding the vent pipe.

You must access your roof to check for clogs in your vent pipes. Use a flashlight to shine a beam in the vent pipes and check for obstructions, such as bird nests or debris. Dislodge or remove obstructions with a snake or other long tool.

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You can remove vent clogs safely and quickly by working with a professional plumber.

Your water smells

Smelling sulfur-like odors from your water should not be assumed to be the cause. Try a few troubleshooting steps first.

If the water smells bad even after pouring water down the drain, you may have bacteria or hydrogen sulfide in your water heater. De-clog your pipes with a de-clogging solution and let it work for some time.

1. Bacteria found in water heaters

It is most likely your water heater that is the cause of the smell when you use hot water.

When the temperature of your water heater is too low or you leave it turned off for a prolonged period of time, bacteria may establish themselves in it. Fortunately, the bacteria should not be harmful to humans, so you don’t have to worry about your health. However, they make the house smell like rotten eggs, reducing the enjoyment of your water.

It is possible to fix the problem by increasing the temperature of your water heater for up to 24 hours, as well as running the hot water faucets to flush out any remaining bacteria in your pipes.

Turning up your water heater’s temperature can cause burns if you don’t remember your water is hotter than normal.

2. Water containing hydrogen sulfide

Hydrogen sulfide produces a strong sulfur smell in the house, regardless of whether it is hot or cold.

The toxic effects of hydrogen sulfide are usually easily detected before they reach harmful levels, even though it can be toxic in large amounts. In the presence of hydrogen sulfide, humans can detect levels as low as .5 parts per million (PPM). If the level is less than 1 PPM, the odor will be musty, while the level between 1 and 2 PPM smells like rotten eggs.

In order to determine whether your water source contains hydrogen sulfide, contact a local water testing lab.

Odors are coming from other areas

A sewage smell might be coming from your yard or basement that is not directly linked to a bathroom or laundry room.

1. A cleanout plug is missing

In colder climates, cleanouts are usually located inside the garage, in utility rooms or near the bathroom. Cleanout plugs are meant to cap cleanout lines, which are the main sewer line access points in your yard. In warmer climates, cleanouts are usually outside. If the cap on a cleanout plug is broken or missing, gas may leak into the house.

Alternatively, you can have a plumber replace a missing or broken cleanout plug by purchasing a replacement plug from your local hardware store.

How do I get rid of sewer smell in my house?

The sewer gas smell in your home doesn’t have to remain! Follow these steps to eliminate it as quickly as possible.

Finding the source of sewer gas smells

Identifying the source of sewer gas smell is the first step in eliminating the odor. Where is the sewer gas smell coming from? Check your home’s drains, toilets, and plumbing fixtures for any leaks or damage. Check your sewer vents on your roof or outside your home for obstructions or damage. Also look for cracks, loose connections, or broken seals, allowing sewer gas to escape. Your home may smell of sewer gas if your vent pipe is clogged or damaged.

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Replace or repair damaged plumbing connections

Don’t delay fixing your plumbing problems. If you find any leaks or damage, fix or replace them immediately. If you don’t know how to fix the issue yourself, tighten loose connections, replace broken seals, and fix any cracks in pipes or fixtures. If you lack confidence in your DIY skills, hire a plumber.

Remove odors from floor drains and new plumbing

The floor drains and new plumbing fixtures, such as those found in your garage or basement, can sometimes become dry, allowing sewer gas to escape. You can also add mineral oil to the gutters to help maintain the water seal and prevent evaporation. Just pour water into these drains to fill the traps and create a barrier that prevents sewer gas from escaping.

Sewer gas smells in your home can be caused by blocked or clogged drains, such as those found in your shower.

Drains should be cleaned and deodorized

As drains accumulate debris, grease, and other organic matter over time, foul odors can develop. Regularly clean drains with baking soda and vinegar or a professional-recommended cleaning solution. To remove any residual odor-causing substances, flush the drains with hot water.

Absorbing sewer gas odors with odor absorbers

It is possible to neutralize sewer gas smell using odor absorbers on the market. You can use charcoal-based odor absorbers or baking soda near the source of the smell to absorb it.

Make sure your home is ventilated

Open windows and doors to allow fresh air to circulate in your home and decrease sewer gas concentration. Ventilate your bathroom, kitchen, and laundry rooms with exhaust fans to exhaust any odors. If you want to remove sewer gas odor from the air, consider using a ventilation system with a carbon filter.

You can reduce the smell of sewer gas in your home by opening a window.

If you smell sewer gas, call a professional

It is best to call a professional plumber or sewer and gas odor specialist if you can’t identify or eliminate the source of sewer gas smell on your own. If you have experienced sewage gas odor, be aware of the risks associated with DIY sewage flood cleanup. Call the experts when you are unsure. They have the expertise and equipment to detect and resolve complex sewer gas odor issues.

Control odors by practicing preventive maintenance

It is important to perform regular preventative maintenance of your plumbing system in order to prevent sewer gas smells from occurring. Avoid flushing items like sanitary napkins, diapers, or grease down the toilet as they can clog your pipes. Make sure that your plumbing system is regularly inspected and maintained so that any potential issues can be caught before they become a problem in the future.

The smell of sewer gas can be unpleasant and embarrassing, but you can quickly eliminate it from your home by following a few simple steps. 


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